Payroll Software

Recording and follow up of the base salary items and deduction salary items, its calculation methods and connecting these items per employee, department or on the whole company, also recording the fixed items, posting them monthly & follow up of the variable items, also recording of the loans, its monthly return and the ability to receive the delays, overtimes and absences items from time attendance module, also receiving the penalties & deducted vacations from the personnel module, also calculating the insurance & taxes according to the law with extracting the employee ot company  payroll slip, the company’s payroll statement and a report of loans details & balances on the bases of departments, employees or the company and finally extracting the insurance, taxes, income tax and adjustment taxes statement.


- Recording of employee’s salaries & extracting a report of the payroll  in summary & details.

- Accurate & fast calculation of the fixed & variable taxes and insurance according to the laws.

- Using more than one calculation method for the base salary items and deduction salary items.

- Follow up of calculating the different profits and incentives on the employee, company’s level.

- Recording of employee’s loans and the actual return of loans.

- Follow up of adjustments, the employee’s income tax and the company’s income tax

- Integrating between the payroll & general ledger modules and its distribution on the cost centers.

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